Furthermore, if you are convicted of an eight point speeding violation, the DMV will impose a driver responsibility assessment of $450.00-payable in $150.00 increments over three years. For example, if you are convicted of a six point speeding violation, the DMV will impose a driver responsibility assessment of $300.00 payable in $100.00 increments over three years. If you accrue more than six points, the DMV will assess an additional $25.00 per year for each point accrued over six points. In the case of accruing six or more points, the driver responsibility assessment is $100.00 per year for three consecutive years-totaling $300.00.

It does not matter what the underlying traffic infractions were, as long as you have accrued six or more points within any eighteen month period, you are subject to the driver responsibility assessment.
Acquiring Six or More Points on License within Eighteen Month Period One way to be subject to the driver responsibility assessment is to accrue six or more points on your driving record within an eighteen month period.

It is automatically imposed by the DMV when applicable. The court has no control over the driver responsibility assessment and a judge cannot waive the assessment. The driver responsibility assessment is a fee that is imposed in addition to any court imposed fines and surcharges. The Driver Responsibility Assessment: What is it? The driver responsibility assessment is a civil penalty imposed by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles when an individual has been convicted of certain violations/crimes.This guide provides a brief overview of the Driver Responsibility Assessment in New York State.