In the previous example regarding on-line courtship, the researcher would likely construct a literature review based on articles that examine on-line dating behaviors, as well as articles that examine off-line dating behaviors. In fact, in many cases, the literature review proceeds alongside the interviews or observations in which the researcher may be engaged. In qualitative research, the literature review is not completely finalized before data collection begins. Although existing theory typically guides the more deductive approach of quantitative research, there are several differences regarding the more inductive, qualitative literature review. The literature review is an important component of any carefully designed research study. Regardless of whether or not the utility of the study seems self-evident, the researcher has an obligation to demonstrate the relevance of his or her study rationale through a review of the existing literature. As the number of people who participate in on-line dating continues to grow, it becomes an important and useful social activity to investigate. Sometimes, as in the case of on-line dating, the rationale is self-evident. An initial research question might be, “What are the normative behaviors regarding on-line courtship?” From this point, it is important for the researcher to develop a rationale for the research. Perhaps a researcher has a friend or a family member who recently met his or her spouse through an on-line dating service and the researcher becomes interested in understanding how on-line dating develops. Like all research, the individuals conducting the study are often drawn to those communication phenomena that are of the most interest to them. Selecting a topic and narrowing the research focus. During the earliest phases of the qualitative research process, researchers are tasked with identifying a focus for their study. The following chart demonstrates the typical qualitative data gathering process: Regardless of how the initial inspiration strikes, the subsequent steps in the procedure follow a similar pattern.

In both cases, research proceeds inductively, and conclusions emerge from the carefully gathered data. Gaining access to that setting to see what interesting communication concepts emerge would be very helpful. On other occasions, a researcher might be interested in a specific setting, such as a tattoo parlor. Researchers then begin to identify potential study participants. Some studies may begin with a specific communication concept, such as family communication.
Data analysis methods in qualitative research how to#
Researchers have several choices when deciding how to proceed with a qualitative study. Identifying the Research Setting, Research Group, and Research Focus This section begins with topic selection and research focus and then proceeds to a discussion of each of the different qualitative methods. We now discuss how to plan and implement your qualitative study. Regardless of the method selected, researchers must reconcile the established traditions of the methodology with the specific requirements of the group or individuals participating in the research. Selecting the appropriate method for data collection is a vital component of the research process.

Depending on a variety of factors (such as the nature of the research question, access to participants, time and resource commitments, etc.), researchers may select one or more of the following methods: In their search for understanding communication phenomena, researchers have multiple qualitative methods from which to choose. Qualitative Data Gathering Research Designs